You have an eye for finer things.

Think of it like curated insurance.
There are houses, and there is your house - the one with custom finishes and exotic materials. There are vehicles, and there is your vehicle - the one that has only one or two dealerships and service centers in town. There is art, wine, jewelry, watercraft and aircraft - and there are your collections and craft that you've curated over the years.
Should something happen to any of them, you want an agent - who immediately answers your call - who knows the difference between mahogany and pine, Cartier and Tiffany & Co., Pirelli and Firestone, Viking and Cobalt, Musigny and Charles Shaw. When you invest in insurance, you deserve that, not a call center.
Insurance is about calculating risk. But who's doing the calculating?
At this point in life, maybe you're willing to take a few risks. But risk an insurance policy that caps replacement costs? Your idea of replacing Italian marble might be different than an insurance company's idea of marble.
Our policies involve guaranteed replacement costs. Heaven forbid you have a loss, but if you do, rest assured you'd get 100% of the replacement cost for your custom marble, not big box store faux tiles.

Our cell phones are our 24/7 call center.
Let's say you have a loss in the middle of the night or need VIN numbers and registration dates for every vehicle you've owned in the last 10 years. No matter what time of day or night, our clients call their agent directly, on his cell phone and speaks to him, not a call center.
Your insurance is 24/7 coverage, so your Signature Personal Insurance agent is on call 24/7 and you have our cell phone numbers. Really.

Remington DeGarmo